History of Tree of Life Ministry

In 1990, we were led to a healing ministry where we went through a short prayer to renounce Freemasonry. There appeared to be no change in our lives.

In 1991 we took our disabled son to Melbourne. We were in a prayer line at a Bill Subritzky meeting. He came to us and said, “That’s Freemasonry!” and prayed for Peter. Because Freemasonry seemed significant to our son’s healing. Wendy started to question where it had come from in her family. At the time she believed the Holy Spirit showed her it was through her father’s line. This was confirmed at a later date by a photo of her great grand father’s grave, which consisted of a tall Masonic symbol – an obelisk.

God next drew our attention to Freemasonry in 1998 when a Christian mother of four children was found to have cancer of the uterus while pregnant. We were deeply moved by her situation and prayed for her. The Lord then put-upon Wendy’s heart that there was a repercussion from Freemasonry in the family line. She saw a book of renunciations at a friend’s place and bought her own copy. She suggested to the husband that they go through the book together, but he said, “He had dealt with all that,” and dismissed it. Sadly, many people believe that by a few renunciations Freemasonry is dealt with. We now know from our own experiences it needs to be done thoroughly and sometimes more than once.

There were many times when the enemy tried to bring division into our marriage, and we were struggling with these attacks. In July 1999 Wendy cried out to the Lord for help. The Lord said, “There’s an invisible wedge between you both. You must complete the renunciations of Freemasonry”. We did, and wonderful changes followed.

Later we were shown a video filmed in South Australia of a man from the USA who had gone to the ninetieth degree and the first degree of the Illuminati. From this we realised that everyone needs to renounce Freemasonry thoroughly and any other generational sins.

We felt God was directing us to include renunciations from several other ministries that would complement our manual as not every hindrance comes from Freemasonry. We wrote to each ministry to receive their approval.

Testimonies continue to come in, of lives being changed, people coming to Christ, work being found after years of nothing, children coming back home, marriages being restored, finances turning around, businesses growing, diseases and illnesses going, spiritual growth expanding. Renunciations are done by faith as the oaths and blockages are renounced. Sometimes there is an instant change and other times things unfold over a period of time.

Since the year 2000 Tree of Life ministry has had over 370 pastors and more than ,950 people go through the renunciations with us. We have commissioned people in other states to help and they use our manuals.