Break Free Testimonials

In Canberra

In the year 2000, at a conference in Canberra, my assistant pastor and I prayed for Lawrie and Wendy to move out in the ministry God had called them to. On their return to Melbourne I invited them to hold a seminar in our church. I told them I myself did not have anything to renounce as I’d done it all. What a shock for me! These two have certainly uncovered a lot of things that I had never even thought to renounce. Since having done this, I have found my life has been much better and my health has improved.
Pastor P.G. Vic.


I had chronic fatigue syndrome and a heart condition, which had been getting worse over a ten-year period. I have four children and my husband a full time pastor. He asked me if I had any Freemasonry in my background. There was nothing that I knew of, but a few days later my mother said there was. As we had time over the next five days we followed the renunciations in the Break Free manual. Right after this I was healed and people are amazed at my health and vitality.
J.C. Sth West Qld.

I have always wanted to finance our own ministry but never seemed to have enough. Tree of Life Ministry called in and they quickly found some open doors from my Aboriginal ancestral past. These need to be shut they told us. I m so glad we listened and took their advice. We spent a day renouncing and to our amazement our business increased so much in the following twelve months that it equalled five years work. If you have an opportunity to do this, go for it.
Ps P. & L. Nth. Qld.


After four years of no work, I went through a seminar with my parents and within two days I had four jobs to choose from.
S. G. Tas.